The sacroiliac (SI) joint is well documented as a potential source for lower back pain (LBP) and it is estimated that SI joint pain affects 15-25% of patients suffering from LBP1. A number of publications have found that SI joint degeneration is present in patients who had previously undergone lumbar fusion surgery and pregnancy related pelvic instability is a common and disabling problem2-3.
Sacroiliac joint fusion has been proven to be a reliable treatment option for patients experiencing SI joint pain. SiJoin is a patented system intended for SI joint fusion for conditions including degenerative sacroilitis and sacroiliac joint disruptions.
1. Cohen, Steven P. Sacroiliac Joint Pain: A Comprehensive Review of Anatomy, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Anesth Analg 2005 Nov. 101(5) 1440-53 Review.
2. Ha, Kee-Yong, et al. Degeneration of Sacroiliac Joint after instrument Lumbar or Lumbosacral Fusion: A Prospective Cohort Study Over Five-Year Follow-up. Spine: 15 May 2008-Volume 33 -Issue 11 -pp 1192-1198
3. Wu WH, Meijer OG, Uegaki K, et al. Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (PPP): Terminology. clinical presentation, and prevalence. Eur Spine J 2004; 13:575-89
4. Smith-Petersen MN, Rogers WA. End-result study of arthrodesis of the sacroiliac joint for arthritis–traumatic and nontraumatic. J Bone Joint Surg 1926;8:I 18-36
5. Maguire, Robert A et al. Dual fibular allograft dowel technique for sacroiliac joint arthrodesis. Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal: 2012 -Volume 3 -Issue 3 – pp 21-28
6. Data on file at VGI Medical